JSS Hospital

Category : Dermatology

It is a cosmetic procedure where different chemicals are used to treat various skin conditions. It is a technique used to improve appearance of skin.

Conditions where chemical peels are helpful:

  • Melasma
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Abnormal pigmentation
  • Sun damaged skin
  • Wrinkles and fine lines

Types of Chemical peels:

There are different type of peels depending on the depth of penetration of chemical agents in skin

  1. Superficial peels- used to gently exfoliate the outermost layer of skin.
  2. Medium peels- these peels reach up to middle layer of skin and are thus used to treat deeper conditions.
  3. Deep peels- they penetrate up to lowermost layer of skin and thus removes damaged skin cells

How to perform?

It is an outpatient procedure performed by a dermatologist. Your skin will be cleansed thoroughly and then a peeling agent is applied to the area of skin to be treated. After a specified time period the chemical will be either washed off or neutralized.

The procedure will be repeated at frequent intervals(2-4weeks), depending on the type of peeling agent used.

Total number of sessions required will depend on the condition to be treated and also type of skin response.

Post procedure care:

Avoid sun exposure.

Apply daily moisturizer and other topicals as advised by your doctor.

What to expect after peel?

In superficial peel there will be slight peeling of skin lasting for 3-7days.

Medium depth and deep peels require a longer healing time with crust formation and peel off in 14- 16 days.

Possible complications:

Some individuals might develop abnormal pigmentation and scarring as a complication. These changes are almost always reversible.

There is a slight risk of reactivating cold sores.

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