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Hospital Infection control Committee

Infection control addresses factors related to the spread of infections within the healthcare setting (whether patient-to-patient, from patients to staff and from staff to patients, or among-staff), including prevention (via hand hygiene/hand washing, cleaning/disinfection/sterilization, vaccination, surveillance).

What is the need for HICC?

Incidence of Healthcare-associated infections are 10 per 100 admissions. These infections can cause

  • Resistant bugs
  • Increase in cost of treatment
  • Prolonged hospital stays
  • Morbidity & mortality increased

Goal: to reduce nosocomial infections

  • Hospital Infection Control Committee (HICC) – formulates policies and guidelines regarding hospital infection control.
  • Infection Control Team (ICT) – headed by Infection Control Officer – carries out daily activities of Infection control in the hospital

The main objectives of the Committee

  • To develop and formulate Hospital infection control policy and procedure manual
  • To continue surveillance of hospital acquired infections and high-risk areas
  • To develop and monitor hospital antibiotic policy.
  • To do training and education
  • To segregate, monitor and to manage Bio-Medical Waste
  • To manage any outbreaks in the hospital and community
  • To manage and monitor accidental blood and body fluid exposure.
  • To monitor sterilization and Disinfection.

Functions of HICC

Structure & Membership of HICC

Components of the Infection Prevention and Control Program

  • Establishing and regular update of hospital infection control manual.
  • Minimizing HAIs through continuous training and monitoring of healthcare associated infection.
  • Surveillance of HAIs.
  • Maintain good hand hygiene compliance.
  • Investigation and control of outbreaks.
  • Monitoring of emergence of antimicrobial resistance.
  • To recommend antibiotic policy for the hospital based on local antibiograms and evidence based published national/international guidelines.
  • Monitor and curb irrational use of antibiotics in hospital areas.
  • Identification of high-risk activities and establish steps to mitigate risk of HAIs to patients, staff, and visitors.

Standard Precautions

  • Standard Precautions are a set of infection control practice used to prevent transmission of diseases, that can be acquired by contact with blood and body fluids, non-intact skin & mucous membranes.
  • These work practices are applied to all health care workers regardless of infectious status.

Components of standard precautions

  • Hand hygiene
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Safe use and disposal of sharps
  • Routine environmental cleaning
  • Respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette
  • Biomedical waste management
  • Appropriate handling of linen.


WHO guidelines have simplified the recommended indications to perform hand hygiene: My Five Moments of hand hygiene


Duration of Hand hygiene

  • Duration for hand rub should be performed for a minimum of 20 – 30 seconds
  • Duration for hand wash should be performed for a minimum of 40 seconds
  • Duration for surgical hand wash should be performed for a minimum of 3-5 minute

Personal protective equipment



Safe use and disposal of sharps

  • Avoid unnecessary use
  • Use of alternative -cutting diathermy and laser.
  • Disposable needles should be used.
  • Handle hollow bore needles with care
  • Never recap needle or follow single hand-scoop
  • Never break/bend needles by hand
  • Never pass in hand directly (use kidney tray)
  • Should not be left on trolleys and bed side
  • Dispose – in sharp

Safe injection and perfusion practices

  • Hand wash.
  • PPE
  • Rub the hub.
  • One needle, One syringe, only one time.
  • Disinfect the site with alcohol swab & wait for dry.
  • Proper Bio Medical Waste management.

Respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette

If having signs and symptoms of a respiratory infection:

  • Cover the nose/mouth with single use tissue paper or inner elbow rather than the hand
  • Hand hygiene should be done

In high-risk areas:

  • Provide mask to patients with cough and separate queue away from general queue
  • Sputum collection should be done in an open space or a well-ventilated room

Bio medical waste management


Common HCAI

  • Gastroenteritis (rotavirus – chief pathogen) most common NI in children
  • Bacteremia, Skin, and soft tissue infection – ulcer, bed sores, sinusitis
  • Catheter associated UTI (CAUTI)
  • Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP)
  • Central line associated blood stream infection (CLABSI)
  • Surgical site infection (SSI)


First x ray

X ray after 48 hours

CATHETER – RELATED blood stream infection (CRBSI)


Surgical site infection is defined as development of an infection at an incision site after a surgical procedure within 30 days of surgery (or within 90 days for some surgeries such as breast, cardiac and joint surgeries including implants)

  • WHO – a purulent discharge around the wound or the insertion site of the drain, or spreading cellulitis from the wound.
  • Incidence varies 1% to 20%
  • Pathogens involved:
    • Skin commensals – Staphylococci, CONS
    • Endogenous Faecal Flora – E coli, anaerobes
  • Risk factors:
    • type of surgery (more in cardiothoracic, orthopaedic, GI and implants surgeries);
    • Clean or contaminated wound
    • Emergency or elective surgery, Infection control policy of hospital


Pre operative causes:

  • Poor nutrition
  • Improper surgical site preparation
  • Improper bowel preparation for abdominal surgeries
  • Inadequate Antibiotic prophylaxis prior to surgery
  • Poor glycemic control
  • Uncorrected anaemia prior to surgery
  • Continuation of immunosuppressants prior to surgery

Per operative causes :

  • Unsterile handling of OT equipment, OT setting
  • Large incision
  • Intra operative changing of gloves (not recommended)
  • Improper ventilation system in OT

Post operative causes :

  • Improper wound dressing
  • Inadequate antibiotic support
  • Inadequate correction of blood loss, anaemia, hyperglycaemia after surgery
  • Improper handling of incision site
  • Inadequate nutrition support

Dr. Narayanappa. D
Professor Dept. of Paediatrics
Chairman HICC