JSS Hospital

Dysphagia – A difficult diagnosis to swallow!

Dysphagia – A difficult diagnosis to swallow!

Swallowing difficulties impact normal life drastically not only for the patient but even their care givers. It often leads to malnutrition, dehydration and recurrent chest infections. Mortality rates are also significantly high among these patients. Sometimes, patients have recurrent hospital admission and prolonged hospitals stays leading to repeated courses of antibiotics and dependence on feeding […]

Ear Infections in Kids

Ear Infections in Kids

An ear infection is an inflammation of the middle ear caused by microorganisms-bacteria, viruses etc leading to fluid build-up behind the eardrum. Though Ear infections can develop in anyone, but kids get them more often than adults. The medical name for ear infections is OTITIS MEDIA (OM). What are the different types of ear infections? There are […]

Ear Infection Symptoms and Remedies

Ear Infection Symptoms and Remedies

Ears are beautiful sense organs that humans have that helps us to hear as well as maintain in our body. They say ‘Nothing beats hearing the right words at the right time’. Keeping our ears hale and healthy is necessary for a physically, mentally, and socially happy mindset.  Ear care is about taking steps to […]