Neuro Surgery
2 Doctors
Day | Timings | Unit | HOD / Unit Chief & Faculty |
Monday, Wednesday, Friday | 9.00am to 4.00pm | I | Dr. Raghavendra |
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday | 9:00am to 4:00pm | I | Dr. (Col) Vasan T S |
*Govt / Institutional Holidays between 9:00am to 1:00pm (Sunday Holiday)
The Neurosurgery department is manned by a team of two well qualified Neurosurgeons, headed by Professor Dr(COL) T S Vasan who is qualified from the highest premier institute, AIIMS(Delhi), worked at various armed forces hospitals and is enriched with vast and long experience(performed more than 10000 surgeries, including 150+ cerebral aneurysms, 100 thoracotomy for dorsal spine, 3000+ head and spine trauma cases, 500+ cervical spine surgery), and Dr Raghavendra M, Assistant professor, trained at SGPGI Lucknow. We perform on an average 40 to 50 operations per month, including trauma and elective cases. The Neurosurgery operation theatre is well equipped with dedicated neuro operating Microscope and C-arm which cater to all types of brain and spine surgeries, with dedicated and experienced OT staff. Surgery for even complicated brain aneurysms and complex spinal problems are routinely performed at this Centre. There is Ultrasonic aspirator for taking out brain tumors in a precise way without harming the subjacent normal vulnerable brain and spinal cord tissue. The pituitary tumors are removed trans nasally with Endoscope in the least traumatizing fashion which gives results matched only by higher centres at Bengaluru. Lately we have added Neuromonitoring equipment to our armamentarium (sole centre in Mysuru) which helps handling complex neurosurgical cases. There is dedicated spacious Neurosurgical ICU- which caters to all types of serious head and spinal injury cases, backed by experienced and trained nursing staff to provide the best care. This department has been forerunner in Mysuru, in managing all types of complicated brain and spinal cord diseases, and has etched a well deserved name and fame in this part of the world. We work in collaboration with emergency medicine ,interventional neuroradiology and physiotherapy department to give the best outcomes to our patients. We have associated with various government financial aid schemes and insurance providers so as to provide best neurosurgical care at affordable prices and take the pride of being the most sort out Neurosurgery department for tertiary level care for surrounding other district patients. Our plans for the future are to start and become one of the top institutes in providing Neurosurgery residency programmes.
Brain tumors, All Spine and Spinal cord diseases requiring surgery and all types of instrumentation, Brain aneurysms, Head injuries, various brain diseases requiring surgery like stroke, hydrocephalus
Brain tumors, All Spine and Spinal cord diseases requiring surgery and all types of instrumentation, Brain aneurysms, Head injuries, various brain diseases requiring surgery like stroke, hydrocephalus
Procedure Done
Clipping of Aneurysms, AVMs( Microvascular Neurosurgery); Endoscopic surgery for pituitary and related diseases; Microsurgery with Ultrasonic aspirators( CUSA) for all types of brain tumors; surgery for Head injuries’ various types of instrumentation for all types Craniovertebral junction anomalies; instrumentation for cervical, Lumbar, and Lumbosacral spine; Thoracotomy procedures for Dorso-Lumbar spine; surgery for brain lesions even for small children.
Special/Evening/Daycare Clinic
Special clinics in evening
Critical Care
This neurosurgery department is equipped with modern Neurosurgery ICU caring with trained staff, backed by the 24X7 emergency departments, day and night anesthetic care for any emergencies.
Extension Activities
OPD at Chamarajanagar JSS hospital fortnightly
This is the best equipped Neurosurgical center in Mysuru and is headed by highly qualified Neurosurgeon from AIIMS (Delhi) who has performed more than 10,000 Neurosurgical operations.
Name of the equipment
- Operating Microscope
- C-Arm
- Ultrasonic surgical Aspirator (CUSA)