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Dr. Sathyanarayana Rao T. S
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Hon. Gen. Secretary, Indian Psychiatric Society (2020-22) Editor, Journal of Psychosexual Health Formerly Editor, Indian Journal of Psychiatry (2004, 2007-2018)
Professor, Dept of Psychiatry, JSS University, JSS Medical College, Mysore.
Consultant Psychiatrist & Sexologist M.B.B.S, Davangere, 1978, (The best outgoing student and Gold Medalist) D.P.M. CMC, Vellore 1982, M.D, CMC Vellore 1983
Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital Administration, CMC Vellore and Tulane University, USA
Past President of Indian Psychiatric Society, Karnataka State Branch 1999 – 2000; President of Karnataka Sexual Academy since 5 years
- Psychiatry and Sexual Medicine
- Fellow, Indian Psychiatric Society
- Fellow, I.M.A. Academy of Medical Specialties
- Life Member, Indian Medical Association
- Life Member, Indian Epilepsy Association
- Life Member, Indian Association of Family Therapists
- Life Member, Indian Society for Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis
- Life Member, Behavioral Medicine Society of India
- Life Member, Biological Society of India
- Member & President, Karnataka Sexual Academy
- Life Member, Indian Association of Private Psychiatry
- Life Fellow of Indian Association of Child & Adolescent Mental Health (IACAM)
- Life Fellow of Indian Association of Social Psychiatry (IASP)
- Life Fellow of Indian Association of Geriatric Mental Health (IAGMH)
- Former President, Indian Association of Geriatric Mental Health (IAGMH)
- Hon. President, Prathibhanjali, a Cultural and Music Academy, Mandya from 2008
- President and Member, Indian Epilepsy Association, Mandya Branch
- Earlier Published Papers:
- ‘The personal characteristics of wives of Alcoholics’ – Indian Journal of Psychiatry; (1991): 33 (3), 180-186.
- ‘The coping behaviors of wives of Alcoholics’ Indian Journal of Psychiatry (1992): 34(4), 359- 365.
- ‘Medical students attitudes to psychiatry’, Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine (1989): 12 (2), 29-35.
- ‘Medical students attitudes to Psychiatry: Interest to specialize in Psychiatry’ Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine (1989): 12 (2), 23-28.
- ‘Clinical Experiences with Dothiepin In an Indian population journal of Drug Development’. (1991): 4 (3):151-159 (Participant Faculty in the study).
- ‘The Genetics of affective disorder-A Pedigree Study’ Indian Journal of Psychiatry’ (1993): 35(2), 127 130.
- ‘Community Psychiatry in India’ bulletin, Indian Medical Association, Mandya. (1990-91).
- ‘Whither, undergraduate psychiatric Education? – Newsletter, India Psychiatric Society, Karnataka State Branch, June 1991.
- ‘Religion & Mental Health’ Newsletter, Indian Psychiatric Society, Karnataka chapter, May (1992): 5-8.
- ‘The job satisfaction profile’ of professionals and its relationship to organizational climate & leadership profile in a teaching medical institution: The thesis submitted and accepted by the Dept. of Continuing Medical Education, Christian Medical College & Tulane University Medical Centre, New-Orleans, U.S.A. and awarded postgraduate Diploma in Hospital Administration, (1992).
- ‘Stop Smoking’ – in ‘Vidya’.
Select Professional Awards
- IAPP AWARD: 4th ANCIAPP Varanasi IAPP AWARD was presented for the research work on “Studies on trace elemental levels and the complexity of elemental inter-relationships in serum samples of Bipolar mood disorders” at the conference held at Hyderabad from 14th – 16th November 2008. This is an award instituted for the best original work done in any field of mental health by an IAPP member from any state branch.
- ACIAN AWARD Sahyadri -2008 for the research work “A Study of Neuro Degeneration in Bipolar Depressive Brains”, held at Shimoga, 17th & 18th January, 2009
- INDIAN ASSOCIATION OF GERIATRIC MENTAL HEALTH: IAGMH – INTAS AWARD presented at Trissur on 5th December 2009 for the paper: “New evidence on accumulation of Iron and Copper and depletion in Zn and its correlation to DNA integrity in aging human brain regions: relevance to mental health”
- MARFATIA AWARD – Indian Psychiatric Society 2010 at Jaipur on 17th January 2010 “Evidence of altered DNA integrity in brain regions of suicidal victims of Bipolar Disorder
- Special Literary Award for the book “Dampathya Vaidya Shastra” by Kannada Vaidya Sahitya Parishat, Bangalore on 26th December 2009.
- Dr. Shiv Gautam Oration Award of IAGMH delivered on 19th Aug 2013 at Geron – 2013 at Lucknow. Topic: “Forbidden fruit in the Golden Years: Elderly Sexuality.”