Surgical Oncology
1 Doctors
Day | Timings | Unit | HOD / Unit Chief & Faculty |
Monday, Thursday | 9.00am to 4.00pm | I | Dr. Ravi Krishnappa |
* Sunday’s /Govt./Institutional Holidays between 9:00am to 1:00pm
Surgery is a critical part of the fight against cancer to diagnose, stage, treat and prevent cancer from spreading or recurring.
The Department of Surgical Oncology in JSS Hospital, Mysore established in 2014 headed by Dr Ravi Krishnappa strives to identify and treat patients who will benefit from surgery for a multitude of malignant and benign tumours.
The department offers affordable state of the art surgical care both in patient as well as outpatient services for screening, diagnosis and treatment for cancer patients whilst minimizing treatment related side effects. The department also offers acute general oncological surgery.
There are state of the art major operation theatres for a multitude of cancer surgeries including minimally invasive approaches on in patient basis including :
- Head and Neck surgery
- Endocrine surgery
- Breast surgery
- Thoracic surgery
- Gastrointestinalsurgery (Gastro oesophageal, hepato-biliary, colorectal)
- Genitourinary surgery
- Gynaecological surgery
- Bone and soft tissue surgery
- Palliative surgery
Minor procedure performed include
- Open biopsy
- Ascitic fluid aspiration
- Pleural fluid aspiration
Special procedures performed include
- Chemo port insertion
- Direct laryngoscopy, examination and biopsy
- Examination under Anaesthesia
- Image guided biopsy procedures
The department offers a holistic one stop integrated care for cancer patients by working with the departments of medical oncology , plastic surgery , urology ,ENT , vascular surgery, cardio thoracic surgery , maxillofacial surgery ,radiology , general surgery ,obstetrics and gynaecology and general medicine . A dedicated team of physiotherapists ensure rehabilitation of post-operative cases.
Infrastructure : Department of Surgical oncology
- Out patient department
- Surgical oncology ward – female
- Surgical oncology ward – male
- Private wards
- Operation theatres dedicated to Surgical oncology – with laparoscope, endoscope, operating microscope, harmonic scalpel, pneumatic drill
- Surgical oncologist opinion
- Cancer screening programs
- Multi-modality approval
- Biopsy procedures
- Guided biopsies
- Day care procedures
- Pain & palliative care
- Separate wards for pre operative and post operative patients.
- Separate wards for male and female
Special / Evening / Daycare Clinics
Special clinics in evening
Critical Care
Extension Activities
- Cancer education
- Mention any specific number of beds in hospital for oncology department
- Community oncology
- Psycho oncology
- Rehabilitation & prosthesis
- Physiotherapy
- Anti-tobacco Cell
Procedure done
- Breast Cancer – Breast conservative surgeries as well as radical procedures & reconstruction
- Thoracic Oncology – VATS (Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery) esophagus resection and lung resection
- Limb preservation surgeries for extremity sarcoma
- Gastro intestinal cancer surgeries including sphincter-preserving & laparoscopic surgeries.
- Genito urinary oncological procedures
- Major head and neck malignancies surgeries like
- Laryngeal conservative surgeries
- Skill base surgeries
- Hepatic biliary cancer surgeries including pancreatic and liver resection
- Supportive procedures like chemo port placement, tracheostomies and biopsies