Why Routine Health Examinations Are Essential for Preventing Diabetes

Millions of people worldwide suffer from diabetes, a global health concern. Regular health check-ups are an important part of managing and preventing diabetes. The secret to a happier, healthier, and diabetes-free life is routine health examinations. Knowing About Diabetes Diabetes is a complicated metabolic disease that interferes with your body’s natural ability to regulate blood […]
Importance of Regular Health Check-up

Most people can maintain a healthy life by exercising and eating right. However, it doesn’t mean they should only visit the doctor when they face any health issues. Regular health check-ups are essential for diagnosing any early signs of health problems and provide preventive care for managing various major health issues. It is the most […]
Adult immunization center at JSS Hospital

(“Prevention is better than cure”) What is immunization? Immunization is a process protecting the people from specific infectious diseases by administering specific vaccine (Injectable or oral). These vaccines contain whole germs or a part of the germ which are either killed or weakened to induce immunity but not disease among the people who get vaccinated. […]